Are you reading the right books or the white books?
We all have the books and articles on our shelves, some of us even read them some of the time, but what most of us lack is a real opportunity to discuss books and be in deep community about ideas that reveal and resist systems of oppression — white supremacy, neocolonialism, capitalism, sexism, racism, ableism, speciesism…
While DEI and other liberation focused programs are being dismantled under the current U.S. regime, it’s important to remember that being aware of the systems of oppression that we are embedded in has always been an inside job and the work never ends.
If you are interested in joining (and creating!) a community of people who are doing the work it would be a gift to have you join.
My hope is to keep the group small and accountable. We will read, gather, reflect, learn, make mistakes, learn, and figure out how to create the necessary conditions for collective liberation within ourselves.
We will go forth in solidarity to create the life, communities, and world we intend to create.
Learning Sessions will be facilitated in the Buddhist tradition of ‘dana’ where giving is understood to benefit both the giver and the receiver. The giver practices sharing and letting go, and the recipient practices acceptance of what is presented. First, please offer the gift of your radical curiosity and your open hearted presence in community by filling out the form below.