Work & Life Coaching
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.”

YOu. want. more.
More humanity, more sanity, more reward, more leadership opportunities, more connection, more of the things in life that excite and sustain you. Ultimately, you want to know that your days are adding up to something that actually matters. You want to know that you are on your right path.

get you THERE.
Your work, relationships, and ability to chip away at whatever is standing in your way is how you bring your unique contribution to the world — and we definitely need that right now!
So whether you have lost your mojo, are ready to step into more leadership, are dreaming up a big transition, or have NO IDEA what you want (but know it sure as hell isn’t this!), I can help.

Let’s build a life you are proud of — with more confidence, resilience, acceptance, openness, and a magic bag of tools for finding your way back to this resourceful place when you need to in the future. Here’s what our journey might look like:
We’ll start with your BIG AGENDA – what you want to achieve, let go of, figure out, or move through. You don’t need to know where you’re headed. We can figure that out together.
Next we start digging. We use inquiry, leadership tools, mindfulness techniques, and a dash of neuroscience. We laugh. We learn. With more awareness you realize you have more choices. You begin to create more of what gives you joy.
You achieve what you wanted (and more!). I cheer you on forever, grateful to have been part of your journey. You send me photos of pets, small people, and nature (optional).

“I had reached burn out and was struggling to find my joy at work. Kolleen helped me build the awareness and confidence I need to invigorate my career aspirations and forge a new path.”

leadership coaching
Very few leaders get enough support to continually up their game amidst the ever-evolving challenges they face. Leadership Coaching can help you grow your impact and influence, dramatically enhance working relationships, and improve your quality of life.
1. assess
You help me understand where you are in your leadership journey, what skills you need, what fears you have, what obstacles may stand in your way. We affirm the leader you already are, and imagine the leader you want to become.
2. DESIGN & build
Next, we lay out the stepping stones you need to get there. We may use tested leadership tools, we may work with your team, we may work with your supervisor, we may secretly squirrel away imbuing you with leadership superpowers.
3. achieve
You realize the depth of your own ability, wisdom, and commitment. Your opportunities, successes, connections, satisfaction, and JOY expand. You continue to become the leader you were meant to be, to do the things only you can do.

“Kolleen is like a work therapist, helping me clear some of the many hurdles I face in a high-profile, high-visibility job. She creates a safe space for me to grow as a leader and a person. It’s opened up a world of new possibilities.”

Worried about the cost of coaching? Accept the offer of a free introductory call. This might be just enough to keep you moving in the right direction. After we speak, check out the “We’re Stronger Together” option below.
A great deal of work is undervalued and underpaid and our current system is full of exploitation, brokenness, and bias. Let’s resist the status quo by finding a way to build what we need for ourselves and our world together. — Kolleen
we’re stronger together
If cost is an insurmountable obstacle for you, I have a limited number of sponsored or subsidized sessions.
If you’d like to support coaching for someone who needs it, you can “pay if forward” by donating below.